Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Just a few

1. I am weaning Dawson and I have never been so excited about a bottle in my life.

2. My boys are on such a great schedule, they are both asleep by about 8:30p.m. (sometimes even earlier, Sunday night was 8:15!) and wake up about 7 or 7:30 (except for the few 6:00 a.m. wake ups from Dawson). Nothin better than well rested kiddos.

3.This time of year is my favorite, and we are actually having a fall season. I absolutely love the temperatures we are having. Oh how I wish it could last, but I know that white stuff is coming sooner than later.

4.Halloween is upon us and Brixton is going to be Woody. That is if his costume holds up until then. He puts on that costume on in the morning(on mornings that he doesn't have preschool) and will not take it off for anything until bed and then it is a struggle to get it off. And sometimes I think, go ahead and wear that thing to bed but I guess you have to draw the line somewhere.

5.A few months ago I was struggling with the thought of going back to school and finishing or doing a lot more than just finishing, maybe getting another degree. It really took over my thoughts. But now I know right now I am suppose to be home with my kids and I can finally say I am completely at peace.

6.In about a month Mike and I are going to the Utah @ Notre Dame game. I am so excited. I am usually a little anxious to leave my kids but not this time. And I get to see one of my best friends, can't wait to see you Jess!


allison said...

You're going to Indiana? Woo hoo, way to go! Miss you. And I want to see Brixton in his Woody costume, I'm sure he's the cutest little Woody ever!

WIKKY said...

Yeah.... almost there in the weaning department... You can do it!
I can say from a personal aspect that you have put your time in for that little guy (pumping in a van full of men for Wasatch Back)!!!

Love the woody! Ethan has batman on every day too! Love it!

Abi said...

I am so excited you are going to that game. Couple time is the best!

Emily said...

Holly, I totally cheated this year on the costumes. I borrow from the good old Huntsman costume box.(Well actually I did make Anya a cow because that is what she wanted to be and now after I made it of course she no longer wants to be it.) I can't wait to see your costume pictures. We won't be in Lyman this weekend. Darn! We were there last weekend and we will be there the next two weekends, so if you are there either of them, let me know. Miss you!!! We need a reunion big time!!!!