Monday, November 29, 2010

Playing Catch Up...

A few things to take note of:
1.Mike's Grandpa Love's Funeral on the 5Th.
2. Brix had 3 Field Trips for Preschool. Wheeler Farm, A Fire Station, and Gardner Village.
3.We had a fun costume party with friends.
4.We went trunk or treating in Lyman, and went to our ward Halloween carnival. (Mike was a great sport and wore his Buzz costume 3 times!!)
1. Dawson is starting to take steps on his own! He will take about 6-8 steps by himself and then sit down:)
2. We went to Notre Dame and had a great time until the game started:(
3. I got all of the Christmas shopping done, this is very mentionable because it never happens this early and probably never will!!
4.We had a great Thanksgiving with Mike's fam.
5.Christmas is almost here.. I am so excited that I let the boys open there Christmas Jammie's last night. (We usually wait til the first Sunday of December)
(Pictures are in reverse order)
Christmas Jammie's.

Notre Dame

Touchdown Jesus!

Good ole Lou.

Me and Jess.

The guys were so excited to be in Southbend.

Halloween Scavenger Hunt with cousins.. Thanks Aunt Jeana!

Field Trips

Grandpa Love's Funeral.. We will miss him!!


allison said...

I love the Halloween costumes! You guys all look awesome

Josh and Alayna said...

Aww little cute Toy Story family. love you guys... miss you guys...need to see you guys...:)

WIKKY said...

Love the recap in one post! That's the way to get it done! Looks like you have had a busy and fun time!